Monthly Archives: February 2017

Running around robbing banks All wacked off of Scooby Snacks.


Ballyfermot Writers Group (adults)

Meets every second Wednesday in Ballyfermot Library.

From 6.30 p.m. – 7.45 p.m.

New members welcome. From beginners to advanced.

Date of next meeting:

Wednesday 1st March 2017

How it Works:

Unholster your pencil and write creatively on the spot to a bespoke, tinselled prompt given out on the night. Then read what you’ve written to the group for lavish praise, iridescent bouquets and international awards  🙂  Or bring prepared writing along and read that if you wish. The choice is yours.

For more details contact: or

Or just turn up on the night with your own pencil!

Scooby dooby do come along y’all!

happy cat

Rik V

Lookin’ back on the track for a little green bag, Got to find just a kind or losin’ my mind..


My Pulp Fiction on bereavement and post-modern loneliness

is available now to read on Honest Ulsterman!!!

Mr.  Pink:  You Kill anybody?

Mr. White:  A few cops.

Mr. Pink:  No real people?

Mr. White:  Just cops.


“Lookin’ for some happiness

But there is only loneliness to find

Jump to the left, turn to the right

Lookin’ upstairs, lookin’ behind

Pa pa pa pa pa pa ….”



Are you gonna bark all day little doggie or are you gonna bite?

happy cat

Rik V

Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, Choose BWG!


Ballyfermot Writers Group (adults)

Meets every second Wednesday in Ballyfermot Library, Room 3.

From 6.30 p.m. – 7.45 p.m.

New members welcome. From beginners to advanced.

Date of next meeting:

Wednesday 15th February 2017

How it Works:

Unholster your pencil and write creatively on the spot to a bespoke, tinselled prompt given out on the night. Then read what you’ve written to the group for lavish praise, iridescent bouquets and international awards  🙂  Or bring prepared writing along and read that if you wish. The choice is yours.

For more details contact: or

Or just turn up on the night with your own pencil!

happy cat

Rik V